主演:Thanh Vo Huy Dinh Hong Lanh Dao Gia
导演:Trinh Le Dinh Minh
相关作品:再见妈妈一路平安 再见妈妈越南 再见妈妈我爱你 再见妈妈今天我就要远航 再见妈妈 再见妈妈在线观看 再见妈妈电影 再见,妈妈 再见妈妈韩剧
类型:剧情片 地区:其他 年份:2019
简介:CHILD'S MOTHER GO is the story of two boys Van (Lanh Thanh) - Young software engineer and Ian (Vo Dien Gia Huy) - He is an overseas Vietnamese who loves each other now and goes
CHILD'S MOTHER GO is the story of two boys Van (Lanh Thanh) - Young software engineer and Ian (Vo Dien Gia Huy) - He is an overseas Vietnamese who loves each other now and goes